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If They Want to Drill Holes and Don't Know How to Glue Pull They Are Not Dent Removal Professionals !

Paintless Dent Removal techs who tell you they need to drill a hole in your car most likely don't know how to glue pull. Removing dents from cars with glue pulling is an advanced and very necessary skill for the professional Paintless Dent Removal technician. I personally could not conduct my dent removal business without it, and estimate that I start or complete about of 1/3 of the dents I remove with glue pulling.

With Paintless Dent Removal most dents are removed using specially designed steel tools with access behind the dent coming from removed lights, door panels, window channels, and under fender liners.

When we can't access the back of the dent most professional Paintless Dent Removal techs reach for the glue. Drilling behind a panel is the last choice and is only done with the approval of the customer.

Glue pulling is especially important for the PDR tech who does not want to drill for access to the back of the dent, especially on "rails" (the area above the doors on the edge of the roof), and "quarter panels" which are the "fenders" on the back of your car that don't have access underneath like the front fenders do.


How glue pulling works.

This is a brief  explanation of an advanced dent removal skill that takes a long time to master.

Cold glue: a more recent advancement than using hot glue. We use it on a stainless steel "tab" attached to the end of a specialized slide hammer to move larger areas of metal in larger, smoother dents.

Hot glue: we use a typical hot glue gun like one you may see in a fabric store or The Home Depot; however most of us use a cordless gun. Most of us use glue that is formulated for certain outside temperatures--cold, hot and dry, hot and humid, moderate, etc. 

The hot glue is applied to plastic tabs that are attached to what's called a mini-lifter or the above mentioned slide hammer. These plastic tabs come in many sizes and shapes and are constantly improving, as-is the glue.


We each have our own techniques; but the skilled paintless dent removal tech will start the first glue pull in the dent where they think is best to remove the most stress from the metal and move the most metal.

Important note:  never let a PDR tech glue pull an area on your car that is not original paint! There is a 50% chance they will pull the paint off your car, which makes everyone very unhappy! But don't less this give you anxiety about glue pulling. We have never pulled paint off a car that was original paint.

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